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How to Maintain Oral Health in Wakefield Over the Holidays

December 4, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drschumacher @ 10:18 pm
People at holiday party.

The holiday season can bring a ton of fun and parties, but unfortunately, it can also bring cavities and tooth decay. During this time of year, sugar is at an all time high. Thankfully, there are some easy ways you can maintain oral health in Wakefield while still enjoying all of the season’s parties and festivities. Keep reading to discover some surprising tips for keeping your teeth healthy during this season of sugar.

The Snack Tray is Your First Stop

At your next holiday party, head on over to the snack tray instead of grabbing a drink first. This crucial pitstop can prevent risks of surface staining and tooth decay! Cheeses leave a wax-like coating on your teeth, which acts as an extra layer of protection. Additionally, crunchy veggies found on snack trays stimulate your saliva flow, which washes away plaque and bacteria that can cause dental issues.

You should also keep in mind that snacking all day can affect your oral health. If you don’t give your mouth a break between meals, it can’t produce the necessary saliva that it needs to wash away plaque and bacteria.

Try Sugar-Free Sweets

Sweets and baked goods for the holidays can be sugar-free and still taste great! There are various substitutes that you and other party hosts can use, like xylitol, to provide mouth-healthy sweets. When sugar meets the bacteria in your mouth, it turns into acid, which leads to cavities. That’s why the best way to prevent cavities during the holidays is going sugarless.

Water is Your Friend

Rinse your mouth out with water throughout your holiday party to wash away sugar and food debris! This quick pitstop to the bathroom can even prevent stains from any seasonal beverages that you consume. You can also sip on a glass of water throughout the day. This not only keeps you hydrated and healthy, but it also rinses away food debris.

Visit Your Dentist

Your dentist in Wakefield is a great person to see once all of your holiday plans have died down. They will be able to check your smile to make sure you got through the season cavity-free, and they can also detect any early signs of dental problems. Plus, if you did indulge in some red wine and feel like your teeth could look a little whiter, they can give you a professional whitening treatment to brighten your grin for the new year.

Now that you have some healthy holiday tips, you can celebrate the festivities and keep your smile looking and feeling great at the same time. This time of year isn’t known for its health, but you can start the trend!

Meet the Dentist

Dr. Rob Schumacher is an experienced dentist who has a passion for providing quality care. He tends to see more cavities and decay during this time of year, which is why he wants you to know some healthy holiday tips. He currently runs his own practice, and he can be contacted through is website or by phone at (781) 334-3400 for any questions.